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Healthcare is becoming progressively more complex.

There is a growing challenge for health plans to be able

to manage data in a way where they can make the best

decisions to improve patient care as well as improving

their financial results.


Our population health analysis tool identifies high cost and high utilization members and those which are migrating.


Our in-home Care Programs

Address the unique needs of Medicare Advantage and Medicaid Managed Care members who may have challenges that restrict them from getting to a doctor's offices for care and treatment. Our team of health care professionals have a breadth of experience to administer services ranging from health screenings and chronic care to transitional care.

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My Home Doctor® Care Programs  



Offer health plans and their members cost-effective, specialized services that are delivered in the comfort of the patient’s home including assisted living facilities, and independent living facilities. Clinicians deliver care in the home that ranges from direct patient care, comprehensive in home assessment and wellness programs, targeted chronic care management programs, including transitional care programs from hospital-to-home.

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Analytics-based tool to identify high-risk                               patients

CHRONIC care programs designed to reduce preventable hospital admissions, improve health outcomes and increase member satisfaction.

Chronic Care Programs designed to address the top 10-15% health care utilizers. We work with

your members to develop personalized care plans in their home to improve their quality of life. Both

physician-drive programs where our providers assume the care of your member with regular in-home

and facility visits or collaborative programs where our providers support your network of providers by

extending care as an adjunct.

• Chronic Care Programs - Facility Based And Long Term Care

• Chronic Care Programs - Advanced Illness COPD, CHF, & SCD

• Readmission Avoidance Care Programs - Transitional Care

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We are resolving significant
“gaps in healthcare” 

For patients and payers by ensuring real-time 24/7/365 access via a mobile, physician-driven, and RN case management platform for both complex high risk patients which are expensive and create poor health outcomes
and patients with low acuity interactions that would utilize the emergency room or urgent care in place of the primary care physician.



Emergency Room Diversion

Experienced physicians and other providers deliver primary care services to the members in the comfort of the patient’s home or facility.

 • Urgent Care - Home Visits 24/7/365

 • Urgent Care- Telehealth 23/7/365

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Comprehensive IN HOME Assessment AND 



A health assessment program to benefit health plans, which can identify and close gaps in care and

quality (HEDIS) as well as provide accurate data for coding, STAR rating and payment purposes.



                                 SOME OF THE PROGRAMS INCLUDED ARE:

  • In-Home Assessments HEDIS Evaluation Pediatric Program

  • ​In-Home Assessments HEDIS Evaluation Adult Program

  • ​Home Medical Wellness Evaluation Program

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Refer by MHD® (myhomedoctor) Mobile App


                               Finally, an app that lets you properly identify appropriate referrals.


                               Risk stratify and generate referrals on the go with Refer by MHD (myhomedoctor) ®.

                               A mobile application designed to help you save time, properly identifying, and submitting

                               appropriate referrals.  It's like having a team of health experts in the palm of your hand.

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